Published Articles
- “There is No Such Thing as a ‘Little Custody Case’”
(Child Custody, November 2014) - “Third Party Custody & Visitation”
(Child Custody, Kurtz, May 2014) - “Religious Beliefs and Custody”
(Child Custody, Kurtz, Feb 2013) - “Grandparents and Third Parties”
(Child Custody, Kurtz, Jan 2013) - “Representing the Parents of Special Needs Children”
(Special Needs, Kurtz, September 2011) - “Custody Motions”
(Child Custody, Kurtz, December 2009)
- “Joint Legal Custody: What Is It?”
(Child Custody, Tash, May 2009) - “Equitable Distribution of Stock Grants: The Lessons of Ubertaccio”
(Equitable Distribution, Kurtz, July 2005) - “Creative Uses of Financial Standing Affidavits and Pretrial Orders”
(Alimony & Equitable Distribution, Kurtz, May 2005) - “Use and Limits of Protection”
(Child Custody Evidence, Kurtz, Sep 2004)